The petition of James Cawverd, Derbyshire, c. 1650

To the right Wor[shi]p[f]ull Justices of Peace & Quor[um] for the countie of Derbie.

The humble petic[i]on of James Cawverd maymed souldier.


That aboute 5 yeares agoe: yo[u]r peticoner beinge souldier vnder the comand of Col[one]l: Randle Ashenhurst in the p[ar]liaments service beinge one of a p[ar]tie by order apointed to keepe the hall of Shallcrose:

Mr: Shallcrosse himself entringe the howse & a stronge p[ar]tie with him: cutt & wounded most of the souldiers found in the howse: Amongst whom yo[u]r peticoner receaved such cutts: & woundes: that ever sinc [sic.] hee hath lost the vse of his Arme & hand: to his vtter vndoeinge: without some speedie releife he beinge by p[ro]ffession a blacksmith & alwayes before maintayned himself & his weife & Children that they were not Chargeable vnto any.

In comisserac[i]on whereof & in observance of the statutes & lawes p[ro]vided for those cases: may it please yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps to thinke wh[a]t a pore estate & miserable condion yo[u]r peticoner is braught vnto vnles it please yow to take it into yo[u]r serious Consideracons & in yo[u]r graue wisdomes: by yo[u]r order to appoint that your peticon[e]r may receaue such a yerely stipend & penc[i]on from the Treasurer of the Com[m]it[t]ie as yow shall thinke fitt towards the releife of himself his wife & children who did not offer to petico[n] whilest hee or his wife had any thinge at all to make money on (yea theire aparell whilest they had any was sould to keep them alive).

And yo[u]r peticon[e]r shall as dutie bindeth daylie pray &c.

Wee whose names are vnder subscribed doe verilie beleeue the peticon to be true: & that there is greate neede for releife to be granted here vnto.

William Garlicke Capt[ain]            Thomas Rollinson

Raphe Hyde                                      Geo[rge] Milner

John Hyde                                         Robart Ridgward

John: Dand                                        Robert Hadfeild

Raphe Ferneley

Thomas Ferneley                             Edmund Bradbury

James Ridgway                                John Thornndley

Thomas Waterhouse                      Robert Hadfeld

Raph: Waterhouse                          Thomas Hinchcliffe

Rob[er]t Ridgway                            B. B.

elder                                                   Edmund Burkinshaw

minist[e]r at Heyfield

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

James Cawverd

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Derbyshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Assault on Shallcross Hall, 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Derbyshire Record Office

Shelf mark

Q/SB/2, fol. 647