The petition of Hugh Pillar of South Tawton, Devon, April 1691
To the R[igh]t wor[shi]p[fu]ll their Ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for the county of Devon now assembled in their gen[er]all Sessions
The humble petition of Hugh pillar of Southtauton in the county of Devon husb[andman]
Sheweth That y[ou]r poor petitioner served his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the first of ever blessed memory in the then vnhappy wars as a foot soldier vnder the com[m]and of Captaine Bartho[lomew] Gidley S[i]r Ralph Hopton Lefttennant Corni[?] and Captain Courtney for the space of fiue yeares or thereaboutes in w[hi]ch service y[ou]r poor petition[e]r according to his duty and alleagiance constantly shewed all possible loyalty & faithfullnesse in the said service neuer any way deserting the same but chearfully vnderwent all the hards[hi]pps of warr especially ag[ains]t plymouth the devizes Exeter and Cornwall & in all other places as occasion offred & Now
Y[ou]r petion[e]r being grone old & infirme & of the age of 70 yeares or vpwards & for many yeares last vnable to labour whereby to get his liuelihood & haueing long been supported by the labour and industry of his children who haue only their labour to liue by & the hards[hi]pps w[hi]ch y[ou]r poor petion[e]r endured in the said service now rendring him more infirme & vnder greater paines then otherwise humbly prayes this honn[ou]rable C[ou]rt of y[ou]r wonted clemency & for y[ou]r pet[itione]rs better subsistence & the encouragem[en]t of others in their due Loyalty to graunt y[ou]r pet[itione]r a penc[i]on yearly & y[ou]r poor petition[e]r as in duty bound shall eu[er] pray
Wee whose names are subscribed officers & p[ar]ishon[e]rs of Southtauton doe hereby certify that wee doe beleiue this petition to bee true & yt the petition[e]r is a p[er]son of a sober life & conu[er]sation & yt the Kindnesse & gratuety of this C[ou]rt shall be noe ease to o[u]r p[ar]ishon[e]rs in releiuing him wheneuer his children shall leaue him to the maintainance of o[u]r p[ar]ishon[e]rs
Southtauton Ap[ril] 1691
Will[ia]m Oxenham R Weekes
Olliuer Lany Chourchworden Thomas Hore
William Sloman
Jo[h]n Lange
20 s. p[er] an[num]