The petition of Henry Travis of Sutton, Lancashire, 12 October 1674
Octob[e]r 12o Annoq[ue] Dom[ini] 1674
To the worshippfull the Justices of the peace and Quorum att the generall Quarter Sessions of ye peace to be houlden att Wigan the time Abouesaid
I y[ou]r poore and humble petic[i]oner Dearly beseechinge your worshipps to take in to your worthy Considarac[i]ons the sad and Lamentable Eastate and Condic[i]on of me A poore and Misarable Maimed and Indigent Souldier who on the behalfe of his May[jes]tie in the Leate Ciuell Warres was Depriued of my Limes and Left altogather vnable and not Capable of Any kind of way to gett my Liueinge wherby my wife and Children in this sad time of darth and Scarsetie haue almost beene Starued the Inhabitants of the Townshippe beinge altogather vnwillinge to Releefe mee att all by Rason of his May[jes]ties Allowance to mee which is but Twenty fiue Shillings yearly so that I humbly begg of this hon[ou]rable Bench that you wood be pleased to Considar my sad distress and Charitably to Add some more vnto my Allowance whilst I Am in this sad and Misarable Condic[i]on and thus your poore petic[i]onar Makes bold vnto y[ou]r worshipps.
From Sutton Octob[e]r 1674
Henry Trauis
The truth of the aboue written petic[i]on I make bold to certifie vpon my knowledge and that the peti[ti]on[e]r is poore indigent & lame, not able to worke at all for a Lyvelyhood beinge desperately wounded & lamed in his late Ma[jes]t[y]s service witnes my hand
Tho[mas] Ashton
<xxv s. a yeare quarterly>