The petition of Henry Quaintance of Drewsteignton, Devon, 1688
To the Right Wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for the County of Devon: The humble petition of Henry Quaintance of Drewsteington in the County afores[ai]d Taylor:
That y[ou]r poor petitioner served his late Ma[jes]ty Kinge Charles the first of ever Blessed memory for severall years togeather in the then vnhappy Wars as a foott souldier vnder the Com[m]and of Captaine Richard Porter, against the Seige of Plymouth & vnder Captaine John Read in the Garrison of Exeter and therein according to his duty and Alleigiance manifested all possible Courage and cherefully vnderwent all the Hazzards and hardshipps incident to the said service, & att the Seige of Plymouth y[ou]r poor petitioner amongst many any other hardshipps in the said service Received a Knock with the stocke of a Muskett which deprived him of his senses for about Two Months tyme, and hath been ever since very prejudiciall & Hurtfull to y[ou]r said poor petitioner
May itt therefore please y[ou]r Wor[shi]pps of y[ou]r wonted clemency to graunt y[ou]r petitioner (who is now growne aged & by means of his former Wounds in his Ma[jes]tys service often in great pains) a pention yearly out of the County Stock & y[ou]r petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c
<wee beleive this petition to be true.>
<Will[iam] Reade, Rect[o]r of Drewsteignton>
<Thomas Hall Churchwarden>
Hugh Stafford
John Quicke
30 s. p[er] annum to Quaintance