The petition of Henry Gravenor, Cheshire, 24 April 1655

To the wor[shi]p[fu]ll the Justices of peace of this County at their Q[uarter}: Sessions at Middlewich Apr[il]: 24th 1655
The humble petic[i]on of Henry Gravenor a poore distressed Infant.
That yo[u]r petic[i]on[e]rs Father was a man that faithfully served the Parliam[en]t and Interest of this Com[m]on Wealth dureing a great part of ye late warres in which service hee received very many greivious wounds and was at the takeing of Beeston Castle by the Irish Army slaine That yo[u]r poore petic[i]o[n]er is thereby exposed into extreame want & necessity being altogether destitute of any way of subsistance.
Hee therefore humbly prayes that this Court will please seriously to weigh his sad condic[i]on and to order him some Annuall penc[i]on for his releife in this his extreame want
& hee will ever pray &c
<1 li. penc[i]on allowed>