The petition of Grigory Andrewes of Cuckfield, Sussex, 10 July 1651

<Andrewes petic[i]on>

Sussex 10 Julii: 1651

For ye Right wor[shi]p[fu]ll ye Justices of ye peace for ye County of Sussex now sitting in a generall Sessions at Lewes

The humble petition of Grigory Andrewes of Cuckfeild in ye sayed County Collier:


That whereas yo[u]r poore petitioner who (as by ye testimony of his neightbours, & those yt know him will be made appiere) hath beene a man of an honest life, painefull in his calling, one yt by his labour hath formerly susteined his family; & brought vp his Children w[i]thout any publique charge; Yet now by ye p[ro]vidence of God hath had his house burnt, by a fearce fyrer w[hi]ch happened on ye ninth of Aprill last past in ye night time, where he lost all his goods, & housaltstufe to ye vallue of 40 li; & one Cow great w[i]th Calfe, being all ye live stock he had, was then Consumed to ashes, his aged wife then being in ye house alone, w[i]th greife & flight at yt sad accident quickly after dyeth, two of his Son[n]es being men growne, (if living) are now abroad as souldiers in ye State servis, so yt he is for ye pr[e]sent destitute of all helpe & Comfort, him selfe well striken in years, & not able so to follow his calling as formerly he could; besides he is forced to paye a Considerable some of mony to his Landlord towards ye reedifying of his house, alle w[hi]ch heauy pressures do so afflict him, yt he knoweth not what to doo, or w[hi]ch waie to turne for releife in these hard times, vnlesse God be pleased to stire vp ye harts of some Friends to assist him in his distresse:

His humble request therfore is yt yo[u]r worships would commisserate his sad Condic[i]on, & allow him some thing out of ye monies appoynted to Charitable vses, towards ye reparac[i]ons of his form[e]r great losses, & for his future Comfort & support:

And he shall euer pray &c:

<Samuell Greenhill>

<[?Thomas] [?Handlon]>

<Wal[ter] Burrell>

<Thomas Hurst>

<Edward Sharman>

< Walter Lucas>

Key Facts

Date of petition

10 July 1651

Name of petitioner

Grigory Andrewes

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Lewes, Sussex

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


East Sussex Record Office

Shelf mark
