The petition of Grace Hulme of Blackley, Lancashire, 29 April 1658


Aprill the 29th 1658

To the Hono[u]r[able] Court houlden at manchest[e]r for Lan[cashir]e the humble petitc[i]on of Grace Hulme of Blakeley wyddowe Sheweth

That in the late warre her husband was slaine at Warington to her vndoinge for then shee lost all her liuelihood shee beeing a later wyfe her husband had stated all his meanes vppon his first wyves Children. And this poore wyddow thus left with two Children hath soe labo[u]red as to bring them vp and maintaine her selfe till now that age and sicknes together haue disenabled her and now except pittie bee taken on her her Case is wofull.

Your poore peticioner therfore entreats you to Consider her great losse her husband: and meanes both at once and long shee hath Caried with litle help and to grant her order for some suffitient releife from the overseears for the poore and soe shee shall be much engaged

To you

neighbors hands to}

Certefie the truthe:}

Ch[urchwardens] & ou[erseers] according to her necessity

<[Illegible]>                                     Abraham Hilton

George Travis                                Richard Cowp[er]

William Robbinson                   John Travis

Richard Bexwicke                       Richard Farar

Raph Traves     John Dawson   Thomas Hide

Thomas Walker            Samuell Pendilton

Key Facts

Date of petition

29 April 1658

Name of petitioner

Grace Hulme

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Manchester (Manchester Parish), Lancashire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Warrington Bridge, 13 August 1651

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Lancashire Archives

Shelf mark
