The petition of Grace Fielden of Blackburn, Lancashire, Midsummer 1659

Y[ou]r humble petitio[ne]r

Grace Fielden the Relict and late wyffe of Leeften[a]nt Henry Fielden haue contynued widow these Fifteene yeares ever since the death of my husband and haue carefullie brought vp a great meny of children with verie smalle meanes, whereof some are now in the parlam[en]ts service and haue bene above ten or twelve yeares; And after the death of my husband for the most part sithence, for my better lyvelihood and subsistence haue kept Ale to sell without the least opposition or complaint of any of my of neighbo[u]rs or others vntil this last yeare. That one man onlie in our towne did laie such foule aspersions vpon me especiallie at the last privie Sessions houlden for the division of Blackburne hundredth, soe as by noe meanes I could procure licence to keep Ale as formerly I had And yet doth still p[er]sist soe vehement against me, as he intendeth nothing more then to overthrow me in my poore & small estait and to take my good name and fame vtterly from me to my intollerable greeff and sorrow As you maie p[er]ceiue by a warrant (here to be shewed) directed forth against me to appeare this daie before you, And in obedience therevnto least I should offend the law, with great paine by reason of my infirmities & indisposition of of [sic.] bodie, haue travelled hither to purge my self of such aspersions as already haue or are to be obiected against me, Which I trust (by gods Good helpe and the assistance of my good and honest neighbo[u]rs) whose names be subscribed whereof some be here in that behalf will vpon examinac[i]on of our cause plainlie appeare to be most vntrue, which if they be, I trust you will (in ye solid Judgem[en]t and prudent considerac[i]on) wey and com[m]iserate my case & poore condic[i]on And grant me license as to keep ale as well as to others according to the rules and order of the law in that case made & p[ro]vided, which (god willing) I shall soe observe as noe Just complaint can come against me And soe onlie [illegible] and humblie desiring y[ou]r lawfull favo[u]r and wishing y[ou]r everlasting health and prosperitie rest y[ou]r humble and poore petition[e]r

Grace Fielden

Will[ia]me Rishton

Will[ia]me Oldam                      Chr[ist]ofer Fielden

George Ainsworth                       John Hargreaves

George Hindle                              George Ryley

Edward Holker                             John Broughton

Thomas Broughton                     Richard Lacy Lacy

Chr[ist]ofer Hindle                     Thomas Cottam

Raphe Rishton                             Laurence Tomlinson sen[ior]

John Crosley                                  John Hindley

James Kirshey                               Laurence Tomlinson jun[ior]

Laurence Duckworth                 Raphe Walkden

Chr[ist]ofer Baron                       John Hindle free mason

Gilbert Houlden

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Grace Fielden

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Preston (Preston Parish), Lancashire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Lancashire Archives

Shelf mark
