The petition of George Gibbs of Holsworthy, Devon, Michaelmas 1649

To the right Wor[shipfu]ll Bench sitting in the Goale garden in Exon

The humble petic[i]on of George Gibbs of Holsworthy

<Right Wor[shipfu]ll>

The Luster of your noble disposic[i]on & ready inclinacon to heare the cryes & to receiue the Just Complaints of the poore shineing soe transparrantly throughout this County, hath emboldned your poore peticioner to make his humble addresse, & to pr[e]sent your wor[shi]pps w[i]th his Greviances in hope & confidence of redresse.

Whereas yo[u]r poore petic[i]oner hath euer since the begining of those distractions aduentered his life & fortunes in & vpon the p[ar]liam[en]t service & receiued many dangerous & desperate wounds in the same Viz: Att Modberry fight his hand splite asunder, the Sunday fight att Plymouth shoote in the left shoulder, Att Mount Edgcombe howse, dangerously shoote in the head; w[i]th the Earle of Essex in Cornewall one shoote aboue the theigh of eighteene Inches, And drawen from Foy vppon A waggon as farr as Wardon beeing of A weake & sickely constituc[i]on often tymes depriued of the faculty of vseing his Lim[m]es, haueing 3 smale Children whose liuelihood wholely depends vpon your poore petic[i]oner, who hath not A foote of meanes nor any money to depend vpon for his owne or their subsistance, but is likely to want, w[hi]ch is very well knowen to those whose names are herevnder subscribed, w[hi]ch your poore petic[i]oner here p[ro]duceth for A Certificate most humbly beeseeching yo[u]r wor[shi]pes in Com[m]iserac[i]on of his sadd Condic[i]on to p[ro]cure some yeerely pay for & towardes his, his wife & Childrens maintenance

And your poore peticoner as in duty bound shall euer pray for your wor[shi]ppes happy successe in all yo[u]r noble enterprizes

<I doe knowe ye Petitioner to have bin long a soulgier in ye Parliaments service, & to haue receaved diverse woundes. I doe therfore willingly subscribe my name to advance his releife, w[hi]ch will be an acte of much Justice & charity.>

< [?I ?Leem:] Saunders>                                Samuel Maynes

Tho[mas] Halsay Maior de Plymouth            William Corry

John Penrose of the same troope                    W[illia]m Penrose

Sam[uel] Larke L[ieutenan]t                          Richard Perin

William Bligh                                                             Edward Palmer quarter

Methusala Bligh                                             master of the same trupe

Urell Sheere                                                    Tristram Penrose

Ben[jamin] Wyatt                                           Robert Pearce Command[e]r

Rich[ard] Neelland                                         of the same company

Will[iam] Strulake knowinge

this petic[i]on to be trewe




Peticion of George Gibbs of Hollsworthy: 50 s.

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

George Gibbs

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Exeter Castle (Castle Yard Parish), City and County of Exeter

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension 50s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Second Battle of Modbury, 22 February 1643
    Siege of Plymouth, 21 September to 25 December 1643
    Siege of Plymouth, April to 23 July 1644
    Battle of Lostwithiel, 21 August to 2 September 1644

Places mentioned

  • Mount Edgcumbe House (Maker Parish), Cornwall
  • Fowey (Fowey Parish), Cornwall

People mentioned

Archive information


Devon Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

DHC, Devon quarter sessions rolls, Box 53