The petition of George Annutts of Milton Lilbourne, Wiltshire, 14 June 1650

<Wiltes[hire] s[ession]s>

<Sar[um] 14o Jun 1650>

To the right Wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the peace for the said Countie

The humble petic[i]on of George Annutts husbandman


That whereas yo[u]r pet[itione]r was borne bred & served an Appr[e]ntiship in the p[ar]ish of Milton in the said Countie of Wiltes[hire], and there remayned vntill such tyme as he putt himself a souldier in the State service, & after that, he served as a Coven[a]nte Servant to one Farmer Hunt of Collingborne one yeare, & halfe, And beinge lately marryed, yo[u]r pet[itione]r returned to Milton aforesaid where he dwelt in a howse w[hi]ch one Stephen Annatts his father in lawe brought for him, vntill such tyme as George Mortimer, Tho[mas] Pyke & Richard Champion & other Inhabitants of Milton aforesaid did violently breake into yo[u]r pet[itione]rs said howse, & carried him and his wife to Collingborne where they were & are denyed to be entertayned Soe that yo[u]r pet[itione]r & his wife are likely to p[er]ish for want of an habitac[i]on

May it therefore please yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps by Order of this pr[e]sent Session to cause such course to be taken for yo[u]r pet[itione]rs habitac[i]on as to yo[u]r wor[shi]ps wisdome shall seeme meete

And yo[u]r pet[itione]r shall pray &c

<to bee setled at Milton they havinge notice of it & did not shew any cause to the contrary>

the next Justice of the Peace to examine & to doe therein accordinge to lawe & Justice

<George Annatts petic[i]on>

Key Facts

Date of petition

14 June 1650

Name of petitioner

George Annutts

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Salisbury, Wiltshire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Collingbourne Ducis (Collingbourne Ducis Parish), Wiltshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Shelf mark
