The petition of Francis Emerson of Old Stratford, Northamptonshire, 6 October 1674

To the Hono[ura]ble Co[u]rt of Generall Quarter Sessions holden for the Countie of North[amp]ton[shire], the 6th day of 8er Anno Dom[ini] 1674.
The humble Petic[i]on of Francis Emerson.
Sheweth; That yo[u]r pet[itione]r was formerly allowed a Penc[i]on by this hono[ura]ble Court. The paym[en]t whereof hath beene suspended for some time past vpon accompt of his smale victualing. The want of w[hi]ch hath exposed him (neere Eightie yeares Old) to very great extreaumtie, and (if not relieved) may p[ro]bably reduce him to a p[eri]shing Condic[i]on.
Wherefore hee humbly supplicates, such allowance of his said Penc[i]on, & Arreares thereof; as his p[re]sent meane Estate doth necessarily require; And as this Hono[ura]ble Co[u]rt thinke most expedient for him.
And yo[u]r Pet[itione]r (as in dutie bounde) shall daylie praie &c.
Ordered That ye pet[itione]r haue a penc[i]on of 40 s. p[er] ann[um] contynued to him from henceforth, & to be p[ai]d by ye Tre[asue]r of ye West Division, & to beginn at this p[re]sent Sessions.