The petition of Foulke ap Richard of Denbigh, Denbighshire, 13 July 1669

<This petic[i]oner to take place in the next vacant place after>

To the Right Wor[ship]full the Justices of the peace of the County of Denbigh.

The humble petic[i]on of Foulke ap Richard of the Burrough of Denbigh Corvizer.

Humbly sheweth vnto yo[u]r W[orshi]pps That yo[u]r petic[i]oner voluntariley listed himself in the Company of S[i]r Thomas Salisbury Baronett beinge his one Companie of Foote and comaunded by one Captayne Henry Salisbury where yo[u]r petic[i]oner contynued as longe as the said S[i]r Thomas Salisbury lived and afterwards yo[u]r petic[i]oner, did serve as a souldier vnder the Com[m]and of the Right hono[ur]able the late Earle of Derby, where yo[u]r peticoner rec[eive]d seu[er]all wounds beinge shott in the leg att the first Battell of Newbery his scull beinge cut att Wiggin, and his left eare cutt in two w[i]th a backe blowe att Boulton in Lancashire, as by the said skars more att large itt doth and may appeare.

May it therefore please yo[u]r W[orshi]pps the pr[e]misses considered that yo[u]r petic[i]oner may be admitted to be listed in the Clarke of the peace booke as a maymed souldier. And to giue order that yo[u]r petic[i]oner may haue quart[er]ly such a p[ro]porc[i]on towards yo[u]r petic[i]oners releefe as to yo[u]r W[orshi]pps shall seeme meete. Nowe vacancy being had by the death of Rob[er]t Fletcher of the sayd Burrough of Denbigh Corvizer. And yo[u]r petic[i]oner shall ever pray &c.

<Yo[u]r petic[i]oner hath petic[i]oned yo[u]r W[orshi]pps ab[ou]t 4 yeares agoe, but then putt of by reason there was noe vacancy.>

<entered the order in the book.>

<T[homas] P[richard].>

Key Facts

Date of petition

13 July 1669

Name of petitioner

Foulke ap Richard

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Denbigh (Denbigh Parish), Denbighshire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Newbury, 20 September 1643
    Skirmish at Wigan Lane, 25 August 1651
    Assault on Bolton, 28 May 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


National Library of Wales

Shelf mark

Chirk Castle MS B25c/12