The petition of Elizabeth Crosley of of Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, 14 March 1649

To ye hon[oura]ble Comittee of Parliam[en]t for y[e] County of Nott[inghamshire]

The humble petic[io]n of Elizabeth Crosley of Kirkbie in Ashfeild widdow


Whereas yo[u]r petic[ione]r being A verie Antient woman & past her labour and haueing verie litle or noe means to releiue her wants w[i]th for the pr[e]sent and haue one sonn John Crosley who was A souldier in this garrison of Nott[ingham]: vnder ye Comand of Capt[ain] Thomas Poulton, and was slaine in Service against Winfeild Manner, w[hi]ch sonn was the onely stay succoe and maintainer of yo[u]r poor petic[ione]r in her age & necessitie (during his life) and at that time paye for souldiers was verie scarce, and there was A great deale due to yo[u]r peti[tione]rs sonn for his Arrears and yo[u]r petic[ione]r as yet hath not receaued the worth of one penny or any other accomidac[i]on towards ye lose of her sonn w[hi]ch was her onely Comfort & reliefe, and now shee lives in great wante & necessitie

Maye it therefore please yo[u]r hon[ou]rs to comiserate yo[u]r poore petic[ione]rs great losse and distressed estate in this her ould age beinge past her labour, and order yo[u]r petic[ione]r some pr[e]sent releife & maintaineance towards her sonns Arrears who lost his life in the states service, (as yo[u]r hon[ou]rs in yo[u]r graue wisdoms shall thinke Convenient. And yo[u]r petic[ione]r as dutie bindeth her shall dayly pray for yo[u]r great encrease of hon[ou]r &c:

14 Mar[ch] 1648.

Mr Hough Pay thirty shillings to Elizabeth Crosley the Pet[itione]r in p[ar]te of her late sonnes arrears and this shall be yo[u]r warrant Dated the day & yeare aboves[ai]d.

Will[ia]m Drury

Ja[mes] Chadwicke

Nicho[las] Charlton

Rec[eiv]ed Thirty shillings of Mr Hough accordingly.


P[er] Elizabeth [symbol: mark] Crosley

Key Facts

Date of petition

14 March 1649

Name of petitioner

Elizabeth Crosley

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • County Committee
    City and County of Nottingham

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 30s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Assault on Wingfield Manor, 14 August 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/241/V, fol. 1189