The petition of Elizabeth Anderton of Sharples, Lancashire, 14 April 1659

To the Right wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of Peace and Cor[am] now sitting (Aprill the 14th 1659) the Sessions of peace at Manchester for the County Palatyne of Lanc[aste]r these:

The humble petic[i]on of the poore distressed and aged widdow (neare 80 yeares of age) and Compelled wanderer Elizabeth Anderton late wyfe of Rob[er]te Anderton of the Foulds in Sharples yeom[an] dec[ease]d: Sheweth:

That shee was marryed to her s[ai]d husband and lived together 40 y[ea]rs and vpwards at the Foulds afores[ai]d in Boulton parish (where her s[ai]d husband was Borne) and had 10 Children w[i]th (and by) him: And that her sonnes were souldiers For the Parliam[en]t and states service both here and in Ireland vnd[e]r Col[onel] Moore: and that in the Irish service for the state that her sonne James Anderton (who vnder God was her greater helper) was slaine: wherevpon y[ou]r Pet[itione]r went to S[i]r Tho[mas] Barton (who turned them of their Estate) to move him to Com[m]iserate her sadd wants and yeild her releiffe w[hi]ch hee absolutly denyes: In w[hi]ch sadd and needy Condic[i]on if noe speedy redresse be had for y[ou]r pet[itione]r shee is lykely to wand[e]r in want and hunger till shee bee Famished:

Wherefore In tend[e]r Com[m]isserac[i]on of the premisses shee humbly prayeth: that y[o]w wil be pleased of y[ou]r pious and accustomed goodnes and pitty to the aged helples and needy to graunt her Order For her releiffe aboad and susteynance w[i]thin the parish of Boulton either to the Churchwardens the overseers of the poore & or otherwise as y[ou]r Wor[shi]ps shall thinke fitt. And as in duty bound (not only y[ou]r s[ai]d poore pet[itione]r) but alsoe her 3 poore Children will ever pray for eu[er]ie of y[ou]r Wor[shi]ps healths & eternall Comforths.

<Ch[urchwardens] & Ou[erseers]>


<Ch[urchwardens] & Ou[erseers]>

Key Facts

Date of petition

14 April 1659

Name of petitioner

Elizabeth Anderton

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Manchester (Manchester Parish), Lancashire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Bolton (Bolton Parish), Lancashire
  • Ireland

People mentioned

Archive information


Lancashire Archives

Shelf mark
