The petition of Edward Reade of Leicester, Leicestershire, 1656 to 1657
To the Right Wor[shipfu]ll the Maior and the Aldermen and his Brethren now assembled
The humble Petic[i]on of Edward Reade
That yo[u]r Petic[i]oner was for many yeares together a Souldier in the Parliam[en]t service wherein hee faithfully demeaned himselfe and received many wounds in the same service, and afterwards married a Wife in this Burrough (by yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps favour) became a Freeman thereof and betooke himselfe to the keepinge of an Inn where hee for a certaine tyme lived very comfortably and was nerg neither then nor att any tyme since any way chargeable to the Corporac[i]on: But now of late his charge increasinge, tradinge decayinge and tymes growinge harder, hee is not soe well able to subsist as formerly w[i]thout some helpes
Hee therefore beseecheth yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps to conferre vpon him the place of Master of the house of Correcc[i]on and Keeper of the Goale for this Burrough w[hi]ch hee shall (thorough Gods blessinge) faithfully and truely execute
And shall ever pray for yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps in health & happines long to continue