The petition of Dynah Girling, Norfolk, 5 August 1662

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To the right worship[fu]ll his Maj Ma[jes]ties Justices of peace for the Countie of Norff[olk] at the Sessions holden at Swaffham Markett

The: humble Petic[i]on of Dynah Girling relict of Will[ia]m Girling gent[leman].

Humbly sheweth vnto yo[u]r worshipps that her husband was in all these late wares engaged in his Ma[jes]ties service, as yo[u]r worshipps Petition[e]r is able to make appeare by his Commission and approved Certificats and testymonialls, vnder the hands of his Army officers and other credible p[er]sons, And by his continuance there wasted his estate to 600 li. lost his fortunes and died in the said service in his Ma[jes]ties Garrison at Stavely in the Countie of Durbie, And hath left yo[u]r worshipps Petition[e]r in a very meane Condic[i]on with two Children,

Yo[u]r worshipps humble Petition[e]r takeing notice of his Ma[jes]ties graciouse act of Parliam[en]t made for the releife of poore widdows and Orphants in such cases left, and doe applie her selfe by humble petition to yo[u]r worshipps for releife, being left to yo[u]r worshipps discrec[i]on, to here her Complaint, And to allow yo[u]r worshipps petition[e]r some releife by the said Act, as to yo[u]r worshipps discrec[i]on shall thinke fitt & convenient:

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<Norff[olk] s[ession]s>

Att the gen[er]all Sessions of the peace by Adiornment on Tewesday the Fift[h] day of August in the yeare of the Reigne of o[u]r Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second &c the Fourteenth

It is ordered by this Court that the w[i]thin named Dynah Girling nowe the wife of Will[ia]m Hunston be allowed for this yeare [one illegible word] the sum[m]e of tenn pounds to be paid [one illegible word] vpon sight of this order by the Treasurers for the Meymed Souldiores.

p[er] cur[ia]                 Burleigh


William Forell

J Spelman

Roger Spelman           Jam[es]: de Grey

Sa[muel] Harsnett

Tho[mas] Daye           Tho[mas] Drury

Ed: Warner:                John Anguish


Paid to the above named Dynah Hunston

the sum[me] of Five pounds August xixo 1662o.

Ro[ber]t Skynner

<Receyved the Twentieth day of August 1662: of Robert Browne Deputy to Phillip Bedingfield Esq[ui]r[e] one of the Treasurers for this County for the maymed Soldiers in full of this Order the Some of Fyve Pownds>

<I say rec[eived] the said some of} 5 li.: 00 s.: 00 d.:>

Receyved the Fyve pounds to the vse of the abouenamed Dynah Hunston

By me Ralph Ward of Wisbitch.

The marke of Ralph [symbol: mark] Warde

Test[ified] Tho[mas] Raffe

Key Facts

Date of petition

5 August 1662

Name of petitioner

Dynah Girling

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Swaffham (Swaffham Parish), Norfolk

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £10.0s.0d.
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Staveley Hall (Staveley Parish), Derbyshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Norfolk Record Office

Shelf mark

C/S 3 Box 45A, Norfolk Quarter Sessions Rolls, Swaffham Sessions, August 1662


Norfolk Record Office

Shelf mark

C/S 3 Box 45A, Norfolk Quarter Sessions Rolls, Swaffham Sessions, August 1662