The petition of David ap William of Christionydd, Denbighshire, c. 1662 to 1667

To the right hon[oura]ble the Deputie Lieu[tenan]ts and others his Ma[je]sties Justices of the peace Sittinge at the generall Quarter Sessions for the Com[itatus] of Denbigh

The humble petic[i]on of David ap William of the p[ar]ish of Ruabon and Towneshippe of Christionydd Kenericke.

humbly Sheweth

That yo[u]r petic[i]oner hath been for the Space of Seaven y[ea]res a Soldier in his Ma[je]sties Seruice our late Sou[er]aigne lord Kinge Charles the first of glorious memory vnder the Seuerall comands of Col[one]l John Robinson, esq[ui]r[e], Maior Francis Manley and Maior John Maurice, esq[ui]res, in Col[one]l Robert Ellis esq[ui]r[e] his regiment dureinge w[hi]ch time he hath both faithfully and valiantly continued in the Said Seruice vntill Such time that he was griuiously wounded and maymed in Soe much that he hath been shott in divers p[ar]ts of his body w[i]th Sluggs And beinge thus Sorely Wounded was taken pr[i]son[e]r by his enemies and remained pr[i]son[e]r tenn Weekes Who gave him But very Slender releefe w[hi]ch caused his wounds to putrifie for Want of a Chirurgeon to dresse him & is now by reason thereof in a very poore Sadd and doleful condic[i]on having a Wief and five Small Children and not able to p[ro]vide for them as the gentlemen whose names are vnderwritten will iustifie.

In tender considerac[i]on hereof be pleased to take into yo[u]r pious and Serious considerac[i]on his Sadd condic[i]on and to Comisserate him soe Farr as to graunt him a pension accordinge to his Ma[je]sties his gratious Act of Parliament in that behalf made. Whereby he may haue Something to releeue him in his extreame pouerty and therein yow will reape the praiers of him his wief and poore Children

That David ap Will[ia]m the petitioner never was a turne coate & that he is extraordinary poore & hath 5 small children, we whose names are subscribed doe certifie.

Ed[ward] Lloyd

v s. q[ua]rterly

Edward Williams

Edward Richard cle[ricus] curate of Ruabon

<David ap W[illia]m the pet[itione]r was a soldier vnd[e]r my Comand in the late warrs but I desire to be certified from his neighbors whether he hath continued loyall and what his condition is as to his Estate & his charge of children>

<Fra[ncis] Manley>

<Ellis Sutton>

Key Facts

Date of petition

1662 — 1667

Name of petitioner

David ap William

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Ruthin (Ruthin Parish), Denbighshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


National Library of Wales

Shelf mark

Chirk Castle MS B86/99