The petition of Anne Boyde, Garrison of Gloucester, undated

To the ho[noura]ble Collonell Edward Massie; Gouernor of Glouc[este]r

The humble petic[i]on of Anne Boyde, the wife of Leweten[an]t William Boyde.

Sheweth that yo[u]r pet[i]t[ione]r cominge from Arnold Castle towards this Cittie, was taken prisonor by the Kings Armie, and imprisoned in Beaverton Castle, beinge striped nacked of all her cloathes, and twelue pounds in money taken a way from her, w[hi]ch was all the money yo[u]r pet[i]t[ione]r h{ad} and nowe is lefte destitute of all meanes or releife in a straing­­­ {?place} not haveinge anie Freinds, or acquaintaince to helpe or {suppo}rte her in her extreamitie, and hath bine a Fortnight {illegible} nowe in greate miserie, her husband beinge gone from this {city] vnto S[i]r William Wallers Armie, is like to perrishe {exce}pte is please yo[u]r ho[nou]r to extend yo[u]r favo[u]r vnto her in this her greate {dis}tresse

Yo[u]r pet[i]t[ione]r therefore moste humbly desireth yo[u]r ho[nou]r in tender compassion of her extreame miserie, that yow wil be pleased to help her to some meanes to releive her in this her greate distresse, to be abated forth of her husbands paye

And yo[u]r pet[i]t[ione]r shall ever be bound to praye for yo[u]r ho[nou]r &c.

Mr Treasurer let the petitioner haue 20 s.

Edw[ard] Massie.

Key Facts

Date of petition

Date Unknown

Name of petitioner

Anne Boyde

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Military Commander
    City and County of Gloucester

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Arnold Castle, Monmouthshire
  • Beverstone Castle (Beverstone Parish), Gloucestershire

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

TNA, SP 28/228/II, fol. 354