The order concerning John Walpole of Skillington, Lincolnshire, 8 January 1683



Att the gen[er]all Quarters Sessions of the peace houlden att Folkingh[a]m in the parts of kesteven in the countye of Lincolne the eighth day of January in the four & thirtyeth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles the Second over England &c, Annoq d[o]m[ini] 1682. By & Before S[i]r Robert Markham barronett, Lister Tyghe & Daniell Wigmore Esquires his ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace within the parts & County aforesaid amongst others Assigned &c.

Forasmuch as itt appeareth to the Court by the Complaint of John Walpole of Skillington, That hee is a very poare antient man, & hath a wife & sixe small children, five of them at home, & the other abrode & hee is past his worke, & can get none for that little hee can doe, & soe hee is not able to maynteyne himselfe & them, but they are in great want, & misery & like to p[er]ishe for want of com[m]on necessarys of meat, drinke, & clothinge & soe prayed the pitty And comiseration, & the care, & reliefe of the Court.

Itt is therefore Ordered by the Court, That the Overseers of the poore of the said towne do & shall for the future, allowe, & pay vnto the said John Walpoole the sum[m]e of Fowre shillings a month out of their assessment, & publicke moneys of the said towne, for & towards the maintenance, & reliefe of the said John Walpole his wife, & children, as they will answer the contrary att their p[er]ills, & this shall bee their sufficient order & warrant for the same.

Per Cur[ia]

Nathan[ie]ll Smyth

John Walpool Son of Bartholomew Walpool & Jane his wife was Baptized the 10th day of May 1625.

Fran[cis] Kelham Vicar. de Skillington

Key Facts

Date of petition

8 January 1683

Name of petitioner

John Walpole

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Folkingham (Folkingham Parish), Lincolnshire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension 4s
    Frequency Monthly

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Lincolnshire Archives

Shelf mark

KQS/A/2/2 KSB/1683, fol. 109