The first petition of Dame Elizabeth Mucknell of Poplar, Middlesex, September 1660
<The Lady Mucknells Petition>
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty.
The Petic[i]on of Dame Elizabeth Mucknell Relict of S[i]r John Mucknell Knight.
Humbly sheweth.
That his Ma[jes]ty of glorious memory in considerac[i]on of ye good seruices done by yo[u]r pet{itioners} husband was graciously pleased to conferr vpon him a Pension of two hundred pounds p[er] ann[um] during his naturall life to bee paid at ye Annunciac[i]on of ye B[lessed] Virgin, and of S[ain]t Michael ye Arch-Angell by equall porc[i]ons, as may further appeare by his Ma[jes]ties L[ett]res Patents Dat[ed] 17o Marc [sic.] in ye one & twentieth yeare of his Reigne, & yt ye said S[i]r John lived aboue five yeares & a halfe w[i]thout receiving any part of ye said Annuity & after died in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties service vnder ye Com[m]aund of P[rince] Rupert at Lisbone, As alsoe yt yo[u]r pet[itione]r by being driven from her habitac[i]ons at Poplar & Bristoll her goods seized and disposed of by ye Enemy and after through very great and considerable losses occasioned by ye vnfaithfullnes of those whom shee intrusted when forced beyond ye Seas (where shee continued for aboue 8 years) is reduced to extreame want & misery.
Shee therefore humbly praieth, That yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty (in considerac[i]on of her great sufferings & losses, As alsoe in lieu of ye Arrears due by vertue of ye said Patent) wil bee graciously pleased to grant her a Lease for 31 years of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Mannor of Curry Mallett in Somersetshire vnder ye same termes and Condic[i]ons, and in as full & ample manne{r} as it formerly was granted to Thomas Cary Esq[uire] by his late Ma[jes]ty of ever blessed memory.
And shee shall ever pray &c.