Dr Trixie Gadd
Research Assistant at University of Oxford
Trixie joined the Centre for English Local History at the University of Leicester as a student in 2011. After completing the MA by individual supervised study in 2013 with a prize-winning dissertation on nineteenth-century Bristol, she commenced doctoral research on seventeenth-century Dorset clergy, supervised by Professor Andrew Hopper. In 2019 she completed her PhD with a thesis entitled '‘Tis my lot by faith to be sustained’: Clerical prosperity in seventeenth-century Dorset'. This drew on a wide range of source materials (parochial and episcopal administrative records, state papers, parish valuations, wills and inventories, records of oath taking and published sermons) and on thousands of miles of walks through the landscape of the entire county. Based on the resulting biographical database of over 2,500 individuals appointed to Dorset’s 289 parochial livings, the thesis paints a vivid picture of the turbulent ecclesiastical, economic, social and political contexts in which these parochial clergymen lived and worked, viewed through a close examination of the county’s diverse landscape and topography.
She published an article based on her MA research: ‘Conflict and conciliation in the parish of St George, Gloucestershire, 1750–1850’, Midland History, 39 (2014), pp. 69–89. A book chapter based on her PhD research is forthcoming: ‘The impact of the landscape on the clergy of seventeenth-century Dorset’. In F. McCall, ed., Church and People in Interregnum Britain (London: University of Chicago Press, 2021). She is currently working on developing her PhD thesis into a monograph and moved with the PI to the Department for Continuing Education at the University of Oxford in September 2021.
With a breadth of academic expertise from undergraduate and postgraduate studies in modern languages, human resources and business administration at Cambridge, Coventry and Warwick universities, Trixie is in demand as a freelance academic proofreader. She is also a keen musician, and still manages to find time for walking, running, paddle boarding, windsurfing, swimming and cycling around beautiful Dorset.