Payment to William Lepper

Payment details


No gratuity



Pension frequency



Upon the humble petition of William Lepper of Towcester, showing that he had a son in his Majesty’s service, who leaving a child behind him, the said William Lepper had been forced ever since by his hand-labour and industry to maintain the said child. But he was no longer able to do the same by reason of his age and infirmities; and therefore desiring the court to order him some weekly allowance towards the relief of the said child. It was therefore referred to the consideration of Richard Naylor, William Tate, and Henry Edmonds esqs., or any one of them, what the said William Lepper should be allowed weekly by the Overseers of the Poor of Towcester aforesaid towards the maintenance of the said child. And to order the said Overseers to pay the same accordingly. [Lepper’s earlier petition shows that he had served Charles I].

Record of payment

Northamptonshire Quarter Sessions, 22 July 1670

Payment made to




Described occupation

Occupation unknown

Place of residence

Towcester (Towcester Parish), Northamptonshire