Payment to William Hobbs

Payment details





Pension frequency



‘Upon the petition of William Hobbs of Chepping Wycombe in this County shewing that he was a souldier under his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the first and also under King Charles the second both by sea & land in the Warrs ag[ains]t the Dutch & is now old & unable to maintaine himselfe & family by his owne labour which is confirmed by the certificate of the Mayor of the Burrough of Chepping Wycomb aforesaid & other Credible testimonies.’ The court considered him an object of charity and ordered him a pension of 40 s. per annum, as well as 2 s. 6 d. to pay the Clerk of the Peace for a copy of this order. His petition and certificate were to be filed with the records of this Sessions.

Record of payment

Buckinghamshire Quarter Sessions, Aylesbury, 19 April 1694

Payment made to




Described occupation

Occupation unknown

Place of residence

High Wycombe (Chipping Wycombe Parish), Buckinghamshire