Payment to Thomas Holte
Payment details
- No gratuity
- No pension
Struck from the pension roll for being in the king's party. At the sessions held at Wakefield on 13 July 1647, John Reyner of Birstall had said on oath that before Christmas last he was in company with Thomas Holte of Liversege, butcher, who drank a health to the confusion of the Parliament ‘and all that took their part’ and called him ‘Roundhead Reyner’, and declared ‘by the blood of God, he cared not if he killed this deponent’. Holte was discharged from keeping his alehouse, and was to stand committed until he found good security to appear at the next sessions.
Record of payment
- West Riding of Yorkshire Quarter Sessions, Pontefract, 11 April 1648
Payment made to
- Unknown
- Thomas Holte
Described occupation
- Craftsman/Tradesman
Place of residence
- Liversedge (Birstal Parish), West Riding of Yorkshire