The certificate for William Venner of Heavitree, Devon, 27 April 1663
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These ar to certify, that the Bearer hear of William Venner of the Parrish of Hevytree is by reson of his woonds rec[eive]d (as by his peticion is mentioned) very much disinabled For the Gaininge of his Liuelyhoode ether for him selfe or famely hee haueinge rec[eive]d a shote in his lefte Knee & severall other cutes in his hands & fingers, with punctures & thrustes in other partes of his body, as witness my hand this 27th day of Aprill 1663.
Tho[mas] Chudleigh
W[illia]m Venner 20 s. p[er] Ann[um]