The certificate for Thomas Wills of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, 16 July 1669

To the Hono[ura]ble Bench

Right worshippfulls

Whereas att the last gen[er]all Sessions yo[u]r wor[shi]pps (beinge truely informed of the lowe & distressed estate of Thomas Wills of our p[ar]ish of Doddescombsleigh, A faithfull Souldier to his Ma[jes]tie) were then pleased (for his better subsistance) to conferre vpon him a pension of twenty shillings p[er] annu[m], and w[i]thall enjoyned vs the p[ar]ishoners of the p[ar]ish aforesaid to afford him our best assistance in Conveyinge him to the Bath in order to the recouery of his health, but the poore man not receivinge any benefitt thereby, is now become farr worse, & fallen into a sad & deplorable Condic[i]on, and lays (in regard of his extreme weakenesse & Contynuall attendance) vpon very great Charge: Wherefore we humbly desire yo[u]r wor[shi]pps to grant him an augmentac[i]on to his former pension, through A favourable Considerac[i]on of his pr[e]sent Calamityes for which ye shall farther obleidge both him and us to pray &c.

<July 16th 1669.>

<20 s. p[er] Ann[um] more.>

Michaell Dolling Sen[io]r

Michael Dolling Ju[nio]r

W Ball

Edward Luckes

George Rolstone

Robert May

Daniel Berry




Tho[mas] Wills peticion

Key Facts

Date of certificate

16 July 1669

Name of petitioner

Thomas Wills

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Devon (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension 40s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Bath, Somerset

People mentioned

Archive information


Devon Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

QS 128/46