The certificate for Thomas Roper of Rodmersham, Kent, 1 March 1687

Wee whose names are vnderwritten doe hereby Certifie, and declare vnto all persons whom it may Concerne; That Thomas Roper of Rodmersham in the County of Kent Yeoman; (aged about Seventy two yeares) is a very honest man, and one that hath beene alwaies Loyall to his Kinge; For whom, he hath oftentimes ventured his life, beene seuerall times imprisoned, and many times plundered, and hath allwaies demeaned himselfe as a good Subject, liueinge in obedience to all his Majesties Laws: and therefore doe looke vpon him as a person fit to be encouraged, and to be put into a way of Tradeinge; (as Higlinge, or the like) That soe (now he is old) He may the better raise a Liuelyhood, and maintaine himselfe and Family w[hi]ch he cannot maintaine w[i]thout some such Imploy, beinge soe old himselfe, That he can doe noe other worke: and his wife soe old, and weake; That she cannot soe much as help herselfe: and in Witnesse hereof, we have herevnto set o[u]r hands, this first day of March, in the third yeare of the Reigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Lord Kinge James the second: Annoq[ue] Domini 1686:

Sam[uel] Symonds

John Batcheller           Minister of Rodm[e]rsham

The [symbol: mark] mark of              James Sanders            Tho[mas] Lushington

Henery [?band]                                   Step[hen] Smith          W[illia]m: Slaughter

Rector of Kingsdowne

John Scott                   John Yonges

Math[ew] Nicholson   Joshua May

William [symbol: mark] Punett

his marke

John Hillpott               Cha[rles] Poole

Rich[ard] Tassell        The [symbol: mark] mark

Nicholas [?Cards]

Key Facts

Date of certificate

1 March 1687

Name of petitioner

Thomas Roper

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Kent (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Kent Archives

Shelf mark
