The certificate for Thomas Roodey of Weldon, Northamptonshire, 2 October 1668
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Theese are to sertefie that beeing inform’d by the bearer heerof, Thomas Roodey; of Welden, that the Justices would think fitt to continue his pention if I did thinck it fit: I thearfore doe lett you know; that except his keeping an alhows, I think hee is in no case exemted by anny the qualificasions: And besids hee will lay aside that calling; rather then loose his pention: pray com[m]unicate this and if the Bentch think fitt pray lett him have his areers as well as his pention.
Octo[ber] 2 [16]68
It is referred to my Lord Cullen S[i]r Roger Norwich & Mr Elmes Mr Fleetwood or any twoe of them to consider his Condic[i]on & allowe him what penc[i]on they thinke fitt & ye petic[o]n[e]r.
hee is allowed 40 s. p[er] annu[m]