The certificate for ‘Ould Lilley’, Staffordshire, April 1674

The berer Ould Lilley desires mee to throw him at your feete, by my pen nameing your letter to my Cozen Chetwind in his behalf, hee nameing & [illegible] his fauor to admitt him a Pentioner in Mr Aston’s place lately deseased hee euer was a Loyall Subiect and serued vnder your vncles during the warr, present mee an humble seruant to your Fameley beleiue mee.

<[illegible] and seal Aprill the 12 ‘71>

Yo[u]r most affectionate seruant

B {illegible}

Deare Broth[e]r:

From the encouridgement this lett[er]: and the importunity of the bearer I haue sufferd my selfe to be preuaild vpon to give you this impertinent trouble: in the behalfe of a pore maimed souldier: of whome I know nothing more than what I haue often heard he was a souldier of my vncle Richards: honist to him, and euer Loyal {illegible}

the only reason I haue to beleiue it to be true, is becaus I {illegible}

heere: and knowne him releiud both by my Father and {damage to document}

promised him a pension: but whether he did or not I h{damage to document}

being there is now one voide, if vpon examination {damage to document}

<deserueing he may be a fitt obiect of charity but if not: I haue nothing more to say: then that I really am:>

<Your Faithfull and humble seruant: Wal[ter] Bagot:>

Key Facts

Date of certificate

April 1674

Name of petitioner


Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Staffordshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Staffordshire Record Office

Shelf mark

Q/SR/383, fol. 15