The certificate for Mary Allin of Pilton, Northamptonshire, 31 March 1668

To the right worshipfull the Justices at the Bench at the gen[er]all Sessions off the peace to be holden for this County of North[amp]ton[shire] the 31th off this instant March &c.

The certificate off the Inhabitants off the Towne of Pilton in the County afores[ai]d.

Humbly Sheweth.

Whereas at the gen[er]all Sessions off the peace held for this County being the 7 & 8 dayes of January last past, This worshipfull Bench was by some Malitious person Falsly and malitiously for some selfe ended revenge, very much incensed ag[ains]t the life and behaviour off one Mary Allin off our said Towne off Pilton widdow & victualer. Insomuch that there was an Order off Sessions granted to put the s[ai]d Widdow downe From Brewinge, to the great damage, hindrance & amazem[en]t off the poore widdow and her great family off Small Children, they not imagininge any cause wherefore.

Wee therefore the Inhabitants off the s[ai]d Towne off Pilton whose names are herevnto subscribed, doe hereby humbly certifie this worshipfull Bench, that wee do bel veryly beleeve the informac[i]on ag[ains]t the s[ai]d Widdow to bee vtterly False and vntrue and Malitiously done And that shee the s[ai]d Widdow and her husband lately deceased (by whose death alsoe shee hath lost a yearely penc[i]on: hee beinge a Chirurgeon in the Late Kings Armey) For aboue these 20 yeares last past haue kept a Licenced victuallinge howse in our said Towne and haue allwaise carried & demained themselves Civilly Orderly and Hansomely towards all people, and haue done much good to diverse lame & diseased people by their very good skill in Chirurgery.

Wee therefore the Inhabitants affores[ai]d in the behalfe off the said poore Widdow doe humbly intreat this Worshipfull Bench that they wil bee pleased to reverse the Former Order ag[ains]t her, and to grant her Licence to brew and sell as formerly she hath done, And wee as well as shee shal be bound to pray for yo[u]r worships health & happiness.

Gabriell Manns

Nathanael Day

Hen[ry] Skaiff

John Gretton

Thomas Smith [symbol: mark]

John Deacon: ouer Seers for the poore

[symbol: mark] John Greene Constabell his marke

And[rew] Randell

William [?True] Church warden

Key Facts

Date of certificate

31 March 1668

Name of petitioner

Mary Allin

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Northamptonshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Northamptonshire Archives

Shelf mark

QSR 1/49, fol. 30