The certificate for Henry Greene of Cowley, Derbyshire, 22 July 1684

To ye Worship[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of ye Peace att their Generall Quarter Sessions of ye Peace held for ye County of Derby at Bakewell ye 22 day of July 1684.

Wee whose names are vnto subscribed being Inhabitants & parishoners within ye p[ar]ish of Dranfeild & County of Derby doe on ye behalfe of Henery Greene of Cowley in ye p[ar]ish & County afores[ai]d Husbandman humbly Certifye vnto his Ma[jes]ties Justices of ye Peace for ye s[ai]d County of Derby yt we doe beleive yt the above named Henery Greene was a Souldier in Colonell Eyre of Hassop his Regiment, & vnder the Com[m]and of Captain Howard Brock for ye space of fower yeares & vpwards in ye service of [illegible] his late Ma[jes]tie being Charles ye first of eu[e]r Blessed memory & dureing his s[ai]d service, in ye s[ai]d late [illegible] civill wars he was wounded in ye hand & in ye knee, & is now much aged, & by reason of his Cutts & hurts recieved in ye s[ai]d fower yeares service he is now become very lame, indigent & disabled in body for any manner of worke, & is destitute of any competent substance or livelyho{od} And hath eu[er] since he left ye s[ai]d late kings service continued faithfull to his trust & never deserted ye same: nor ever in all his life did he take up armes against his s[ai]d late Ma[jes]tie or his Ma[jes]tie yt now is: But after yt he was forced to leave ye s[ai]d late kings service he repayred to ye place where he was settled before he became a souldier which was at Corber in this County, and hath lived there and at Cowley afores[ai]d ever since & is now a great object of Pitty & Charity & fitt to be releived & made a Pensioner, as we conceive & doe humbly request the same

Witness our hands ye nineteenth day of July in the six & thirtieth yeare of ye Raigne of our Gracious Soveraigne Lord King Charles ye Second of England &c Annoq[ue] d[o]mi[ni] 1684

Thomas Grundye

Thomas Sheldon

John Rodger

Thomas Rodger

Andrewe Tricket

George White

Peter Collanbel

Ottnel Allen

Henry Green of Cowley in ye Parish of Dronfield

Key Facts

Date of certificate

22 July 1684

Name of petitioner

Henry Greene

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Bakewell (Bakewell Parish), Derbyshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Curbar (Bakewell Parish), Derbyshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Derbyshire Record Office

Shelf mark

Q/SB/2, fol. 390