The certificate for Elinor Asquith of Bramley, West Riding of Yorkshire, 12 February 1645

Vera Copia.

Att the speciall instance & request of Mrs Elinor Asquith relicte off Captaine John Asquith deceased, I doe hereby certifye yt the said Captaine John Asquith when the northern Armye was First raysed For ye King & parliament did very good seruice in encouraging the people to yeald their obedience & best assistance to ye King & parliament, wherevpon being made Scoutem[aste]r by his diligence & vigilancye the enemyes designes were often discouered & many times the enimies Forced vpon great disadvantage to the high aduancm[en]te of the parlim[en]t seruice That about two yeares since he raysed a uery good troope of horse vnder my Comaund w[hi]ch he compleatly armed at his owne proper Cost & charges by the assistance whereoff and his owne good Conduct he did perfourme many gallant and remarkable peeces off seruice against the enymij both in Yorkshire Lancashire & Cheshire to the great aduantage off the state and continued Faythfull and actiue till his death, that by means whereoff his estate became lyable to ye Enimiij who in hatred For his said seruice ruined his house plundered his goods wounded his wife at Bradfford and hath Brought her & six Cheldren into a poore & desolate Condition I shall thereffore desire the hono[ura]ble high Court off parliament that a dew Consideration may be had For the reliefe off her and her Children Given vnder my hand this 12th off February 1644.

That this is a true Coppie of a Certifficate signed under ye hand of ye hono[u]r[a]ble Sir Thomas Fairefax. we doe witness under our hands.

Ellis Cunliffe

Will[iam] Harrington

Key Facts

Date of certificate

12 February 1645

Name of petitioner

Elinor Asquith

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Parliamentary Committee
    Houses of Parliament, City and Liberty of Westminster

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Yorkshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)
  • County of Lancashire (exact location undefined/uncertain)
  • County of Cheshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/265 fol. 65