The certificate for Corporal Thomas de la Planch, Thomas Horton’s Regiment, 5 February 1649

These may Certifie all whom itt doth concern That Thomas de la Planch; hath serued as Corporall, in ye troope of Capt[ain] Edw[ard] Foley In ye Regiment of Col[one]l Jo[h]n Buttler; and since in ye same Regiment, comanded by Col[one]l Horton In ye troope of Capt[ain] Benia[min] Burges: from the begininge of ye new modell; vntill this p[re]sent day; dureinge w[hi]ch time he behaued himselfe very honestly and faithfully; and att ye leagure before Pembrooke, were shott in ye Right arme Att A sally forth of ye towne by ye enemy, att w[hi]ch time he behaued himselfe very gallantly; by w[hi]ch shott he hath lost ye vse of his arme to his vtter vndoeinge; Thus much is Certified this second of Febr[uary] 1648: the said Thomas de la planch being discharged

Be[nja]m[in] Burges

Febreu[ary] 5 1648

This souldier Thomas de la Planch by Reson of his wound is a mayned man hauing lost the p[er]fit vse of his Right Arm

George Dunn Surgeon

Key Facts

Date of certificate

5 February 1649

Name of petitioner

Thomas de la Planch

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Parliamentary Committee
    Houses of Parliament, City and Liberty of Westminster

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Pembroke Castle, 24 May to 11 July 1648

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/59 fol. 136