The certificate for Corporal John Kelvin, Thomas Pride’s Regiment, 19 October 1648

These are to Certifie All to Whome it may or shall Concerne That John Kelvin hath Actuallie serued as A priuate Souldier and Corporall of Foot vnder my Com[m]aund In the Regim[en]t now belonginge to Collonell Pride w[hi]ch Regim[en]t Col[one]l Bartlett and Col[one]l Harloe formerly had the Com[m]aund of vnder the Right hono[ura]ble the now Lord Gen[er]all Fairefaix (In seruice for kinge and Parliament) And the said John Kellvin hath faithfully p[er]formed his dutye therein beeing obedient to all Com[m]aunds belonginge to his place, dureing the space of Three yeares and more As may Appeare by the seu[er]all Musters, In testimonie whereof I haue herevnto sett my hand this Nyntenth Day of Octob[e]r Anno Dom[ini] 1648.

Jo[hn] Forgeson

october 19 1648

This Souldier John Celluin hauing byn wounded in the Servis of the parlament hath his Back broken is vnder Ceur in the Sauy Hospitall & Is a mayned man vnCeurabell vtterly vnabell For Serues:

George Dunn


Key Facts

Date of certificate

19 October 1648

Name of petitioner

John Kelvin

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Parliamentary Committee
    Houses of Parliament, City and Liberty of Westminster

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • The Savoy Hospital, London

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/56 fol. 285