The certificate for Arthur Harrison of Warminster, Wiltshire, Hilary 1661

Theise are to Certifie All whome it may Concerne

That the bearer hereof Arthur Harrison of Warminster in the County of Wiltes[hire] did faithfully serve his late Ma[jes]tie in all his warrs from the beginninge to the end thereof vnder the Comaund of one W Captaine Woolly Lee in the Regiment of Prince Maurice And in the said Service received many dangerous wounds As namely att Chuton in Som[er]s[e]tsheire where Prince Maurice himselfe was wounded & like to be slayne in w[hi]ch fight this Bearer received soe many wounds in his Arme That hee hath lost the vse of it And had seaven Peeces of his scull taken forth And after beinge on the Sentry att Bradfords Bridge goeinge to Lansdowne fight was shott through Both Cheekes & left for dead vntill w[hi]ch tyme hee was allwayes w[i]th Prince Maurice in all Engag[e]m[en]ts in his late Ma[jes]ties Service And that his Captayne for the reasons aforesaid left him & was Slayne att Newberry fight, And that the late vsurpeinge power pr[e]vayleinge the bearer hereof hath ben inforced to very great necessities And Nowe since God Allmighty hath restored his Ma[jes]ties And his Loyall subiects to his & their Rights & Priviliges And that there beinge by the lawes of the kingdome provision made for such as shoulde be wounded in his Ma[jes]ties service Wee pr[e]sent the Bearer hereof vnto yow As a fitt obiect of yo[u]r Clemency And remayne yo[u]r humble servants

Jeffrey Potticary

Ro: Markes

Tho[mas] Harris

Jo: Tidcombe

Rich[ard] Langly

He[nry] Long

Thomas Lambert

Tho[mas] Halbert

Ben[jamin] Gifford

Rich[ard] Staples

Phillipp Day

Will[iam] Day

J Bennett

W[illia]m Graunte

A[n]t[hony] Gibbs

W[illia]m Fry

Will[iam] Barnes

W[illia]m Phillipps

William Morgan

Anthony Cleeter

Rob[er]t Inge

Jo: Webb

Tho[mas] [?Chitter]

Fran[cis] Townesende

George Long

Hen[ry] Whittingham

Will[i]am Ewen

William Long

Richard Pierce

Richard Hiller

Key Facts

Date of certificate


Name of petitioner

Arthur Harrison

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Wiltshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • Skirmish at Chewton Mendip, 12 June 1643
    Battle of Lansdowne, 5 July 1643
    Battle of Newbury, 27 October 1644

Places mentioned

  • Bradford-on-Avon (Avon Parish), Wiltshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Shelf mark
