The petition of Bridget Rumney, residence unknown, May 1660

To my Soveraigne Lord The Kings Most Excellent Maiesty

The humble Petition of Bridgett Rumney

Most humbly sheweth

vnto yo[u]r Sacred Maiesty That yo[u]r poore Petic[i]oner & her Mother haue bin Servants to yo[u]r Grac[i]ous Maiestyes late Grandfather and Father of blessed Memorie In the Office for providinge of Flowers and sweete herbes for the Court. But soe yt is May it please yo[u]r most Excellent Maiestye That yo[u]r pet[itioner’s] poore Mother and two of yo[u]r pet[itioner’s] Sons were slayne att Nazebie and yo[u]r pet[itioner] Euer sithence hath vndergone much hardshippe and Exposed to greate Extremityes with six smale Children for her Constant loue and loyall Affecc[i]on to your Most Sacred Maiestye in theis late vnbyazed Dayes.

May it please yo[u]r Highnesse of your Most Noble and abundant grace the pr[e]misses tenderly Considered to graunt that your most Faithfull and obedient servant and pet[itioner] may bee admitted and restowred to her said Office againe And yo[u]r poore pet[itioner] and servant shall pray vnto Almighty God for the prosp[er]ous Estate of yo[u]r Sacred Maiesty according to her bounden duty In most high hon[ou]r & felicity Longe to Raigne over vs.

Key Facts

Date of petition

May 1660

Name of petitioner

Bridget Rumney

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Crown
    Whitehall Palace, City and Liberty of Westminster

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Naseby, 14 June 1645

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

  • There are no known people

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 29/2/151 fol. 176